The bad is getting worse: Perversion-enthusiasts edition

1. Whose brilliant idea was it to let Dan Savage anywhere near high school?:

As many as 100 high school students walked out of a national journalism conference after an anti-bullying speaker began cursing, attacked the Bible and reportedly called those who refused to listen to his rant “pansy assed.”

The speaker was Dan Savage, founder of the “It Gets Better” project, an anti-bullying campaign that has reached more than 40 million viewers with contributors ranging from President Obama to Hollywood stars. Savage also writes a sex advice column called “Savage Love.”

Savage, and his husband, were also guests at the White House for President Obama’s 2011 LGBT Pride Month reception. He was also invited to a White House anti-bullying conference.

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“It became hostile,” he said. “It felt hostile as we were sitting in the audience – especially towards Christians who espouse beliefs that he was literally taking on.”

Tuttle said the speech was laced with vulgarities and “sexual innuendo not appropriate for this age group.” At one point, he said Savage told the teenagers about how good his partner looked in a speedo.

. . .

“The first thing he told the audience was, ‘I hope you’re all using birth control,’” she told CitizenLink. “he said there are people using the Bible as an excuse for gay bullying, because it says in Leviticus and Romans that being gay is wrong. Right after that, he said we can ignore all the (expletive deleted) in the Bible.”

As the teenagers were walking out, Tuttle said that Savage heckled them and called them pansy-assed.

“You can tell the Bible guys in the hall they can come back now because I’m done beating up the Bible,” Savage said as other students hollered and cheered. “It’s funny as someone who is on the receiving end of beatings that are justified by the Bible how pansy-assed people react when you push back.”

As commenter Sam at VFR notes:

Thinking more about incident in which anti-bullying advocate Dan Savage bullied the students he was addressing, I have decided that it is illustrative of so much that is wrong with the way liberals approach social problems. Dan Savage indicates that he had been bullied, and I believe him. He is a seething cauldron of hatred and he oozes venom. Few people become that way without suffering abuse. But the Christian teens he insulted and mocked aren’t the ones who are going to go about bullying gays. Most of the bullying will be done by the jocks and aggressive male teenagers who find homosexuals repulsive and pathetic.

And that is the basic problem. The reason that gays will be bullied is that most humans have an instinctive reaction of disgust and aversion to perversion, and a number of them will translate this disgust into violence. There is nothing we can do about this, it is human nature and the best we can hope for is to advise gays to be discreet about their sexuality. But for Savage, and for liberals generally, the problem isn’t human nature, which we cannot change, but ideas, which we can change. In their minds, homophobia and bullying will simply disappear once we get those who adopt Christian morality to change their minds about homosexuals. So they mistakenly locate the problem in ideas which can be changed rather than in the concrete reality which cannot be changed. And this leads them to “fight back” at the wrong target, demonizing Christians and holding them responsible for bullying.

2. A vaguely neocon-sounding organization compiles a video of the abuse it’s received at the hands of pro-gay “marriage” leftists. The author muses:

“We’re witnessing a moral revolution,” continued Ritchie, “and sometimes I wonder:  Will the aggressive attempt to redefine God’s marriage lead to a new religious persecution?”

Like the kids say: “Duh.”

3. California State Senator Ted Lieu, a quotation-marks Catholic, pushes for a bill to outlaw reparative therapy for minors and require adults to sign a consent form acknowledging that it’s all BS:

“Senate bill 1172 would ban children under 18 from undergoing so-called sexual orientation-change efforts and would require adults seeking such treatment to sign informed consent forms indicating they understand the potential dangers, including depression and suicide, of reparative therapy and that it has no medical basis,” the measure’s sponsor, state Sen. Ted Lieu, D-Torrance, said in a press release.

Lieu’s bill would also create a new cause of action in civil law, permitting lawsuits to be brought against therapists offering “sexual orientation change efforts” if the treatment occurred “without first obtaining informed consent or by means of therapeutic deception, or if the sexual orientation change efforts were conducted on a patient who was under 18 years of age at any point during the use of the sexual orientation change efforts.”

“To obtain informed consent,” says Lieu’s bill, “a treating psychotherapist shall provide a patient with a form to be signed by the patient that provides informed consent. The form shall include the following statement:

Having a lesbian, gay, or bisexual sexual orientation is not a mental disorder. There is no scientific evidence that any types of therapies are effective in changing a person’s sexual orientation. Sexual orientation change efforts can be harmful. The risks include, but are not limited to, depression, anxiety, and self-destructive behavior.

Medical and mental health associations that oppose the use of sexual orientation change efforts include the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American Counseling Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

In addition, says SB 1172, “Under no circumstances shall a patient under 18 years of age undergo sexual orientation change efforts, regardless of the willingness of a patient’s parent, guardian, conservator, or other person to authorize such efforts.”

Lieu, a self-identified Catholic, introduced the bill at the request of Equality California, a pro-homosexual lobbying group.

4. Support for an anti-gay “marriage” amendment is dropping… in North Carolina. (Granted, they still favor it by 14 points). No one seems to notice or care about the obvious fact that the overwhelming success of gay “marriage,” an issue invented ten years ago and passed virtually everywhere despite overwhelming opposition, proves pretty much conclusively that American democracy is a fraud, both in theory and in practice.

5. Whatever happened to Dharun Ravi, the Indian-born former Rutgers student convicted of the non-crime of outing his gay roommate who was making no effort to cover up his identity? Evidently, he’s seeking an appeal, but that’s about all I’ve heard. The spectacle of human sacrifice was consummated at the moment of his conviction, so I suppose the crowd isn’t interested in the clean-up detail of all the viscera.

EDIT: And now for something completely different: Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison, WI, has stepped up to defend a few traditionalist priests beleaguered by the treachery of their liberal laity, whose irrational, recalcitrant hatred of the priests recently forced the closing of the parish’s Catholic school after donations dried up. You can see the bishop’s letter here, including a delicious and only-thinly-veiled suggestion that canonical punishment may result if their scandalous behavior continues.

20 thoughts on “The bad is getting worse: Perversion-enthusiasts edition

  1. Homosexualism is a missionary religion, and children are their sacramentum. Homosexuality is a spiritual affliction, like an ingrown toenail of the soul. Queer teachers are a far greater danger to any studentry, than are a few bullying jocks. Homosexuality and pride are not virtuous or gainful, but vicious and baneful; indeed truly shameful. They lead wretched lives; suicide not AIDS is their primary cause of death. Dan Savage (who happens to be my neighbor) is one of the most active homosexualists in America. He likely got buggered by his Irish Catholic Cop father as a child, but he won’t admit it. Most queers got abused as children, and most queers abuse children. That’s why they should never be hired as teachers; they are bad exemplars and potential predators. We should both pray for them, and protect our children from them.

  2. I find it ironic that any attempt to change your sexual orientation is frowned on, while attempting to change your actual sex is totally okay.

    If you were born male, that’s negotiable. If you want to have “gender reassignment surgery” and try to become a woman, everyone should respect your decision, support you, and act as if you actually are a woman.

    But if you’re homosexual and would like to become heterosexual… well, obviously it would be perverse to try to change your natural God-given identity. You were “born that way,” and you and everyone else needs to accept and embrace that. Psychological counseling may be necessary.

    • There’s a consistency in that somewhere, though. That something like reparative therapy exists is evidence that the homosexual lifestyle is a source of unease and distress for at least some of them. It keeps before the public’s eye the idea that homosexuality is a condition in need of treatment and not simply one lifestyle out of an infinite number of equally valid ones. So this sort of thing must be cracked down on as a means of providing cover fire to the gay lifestyle which, as we all know, must be utterly unfettered from any consequences if it is to be chosen with true freedom.

  3. On point 4, the theory I heard was that when blacks in California lined up to vote for Barabbas…er…Barack, they voted overwhelmingly for Prop 8. Showing that blacks were much more resistant to homosexual normalization in spite of voting for progressives. Now if we can persuade people pro-homosexuality is racist. 🙂

    On +Morlino, Fr. Z has suggested donating to the diocese of Madison. I slipped ’em a few bucks.

  4. No one seems to notice or care about the obvious fact that the overwhelming success of gay “marriage,” an issue invented ten years ago and passed virtually everywhere despite overwhelming opposition, proves pretty much conclusively that American democracy is a fraud, both in theory and in practice.

    I noticed this around the time that gay “marriage” (as pointed out at VFR recently, always, always use this term either with quotes or with a [sic]) was foisted on us here in Canada. A short while after its inception, I was reading or listening to the news, and heard that gay unions had likewise been legalized in – not Scandinavia or Britain, but in Argentina or some other Latin American country. Latin America? I knew then that this was being pushed by international forces.

    • Another Latin American country that is getting worse: Brazil is becoming more feminist and it’s due to the increase in prosperity, international organizations being involved as well as a willingness by Brazilians to ape decadent Westerners. Brazil right now has affirmative action for women and a female President.

  5. The flaming male homosexual Dan Savage is in NO position to call anyone else “pansy-assed”. Did he ever stop to think about where the term “pansy assed” came from?

  6. In the space of a generation, homosexuality will either be illegal to practice or advocate or it will be illegal to criticize in any meaningful way. The space between prohibited and mandatory is very narrow.

    • Right. Thus oftentimes laws that proscribe something – for instance, laws against homosexual behaviour – are intended not so much to be enforced as to make sure that decent people are never obliged to co-operate with something evil.

      This is one argument, by the way, against the idea that “you can’t legislate morality” because you will never succeed at fully eradicating unwanted behaviours.

      • Saying you can’t legislate morality is laughable—morality is almost all that people DO legislate. And nobody achieves 100% of their goals through legislation. Curious that you never see anyone advocating making murder legal because ‘making laws doesn’t change people’s hearts’…

  7. It would seem that it was a mistake to try and argue against homosexuality and gay marriage on utilitarian grounds. Not that there aren’t some reasonable arguments to be made, but, after the devastation of the AIDS epidemic, gay men significantly cleaned up their act, and so the disutility of homosexual behaviour is currently modest at best.

  8. It would seem that it was a mistake to try and argue against homosexuality and gay marriage on utilitarian grounds.

    Trying to argue against the enemy using the enemy’s tactics doesn’t work. Utilitarianism is an ethical system based on liberalism.

      • Sorry for my spelling error. I meant that utilitarianism has been influenced by liberalism. Thank you for spotting that.


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