Where we are, and where we’re going

At the heart of the liberal enterprise is the cult of the free and equal new man, totally liberated from all bonds of authority, tradition, morality, culture, civility, and God: self-defining, self-actualizing, and self-ruling.

This anthropology of the superman is necessarily deranged, tending, as it does, toward a psychotic refusal to deal with reality on its own terms. Hence it gives us the pervert who mutilates his genitals, slips on a sundress, and calls himself a woman. The project is sinful in conception and mad in its end, and therefore doomed to failure.

But this same anthropology can never admit to the possibility of failure precisely because it cannot admit to being constrained by reality. It can only understand its failures as the result of opposition by others, and therefore it implicitly acknowledges the presence of the untermensch — literally, the low man whose captivity to the same bonds which the superman abhors makes him an impediment to the flourishing of the free and equal new man.

The anthropology of the superman necessarily requires the obliteration of the low man. Paradoxically, the impetus to destroy the low man waxes alongside the cult of the superman, because the latter’s failures mount in direct proportion to the degree to which society at large endeavors to conform to its vision. In other words, the more powerful the cult of the superman becomes, the more readily its deficiencies are manifested, and thus the more powerful the motivation to maintain the delusion by violent suppression and destruction of the low man. The smaller and more persecuted the low man becomes, the greater the violence that must be brought to bear against him in the name of freedom and equality.

The impetus to destroy the low man exists whether or not any given superman-cultist is willing to acknowledge it. He cannot escape its inexorable logic. It is so strong, in fact, that at any particular superman-cultist’s refusal to acknowledge it amounts either to deliberate dishonesty or an unprincipled exception (or simply appalling ignorance and thoughtlessness).

The superman-cultist’s children, of course, will inherit his worldview without the set of ingrained, unarticulated, unacknowledged virtues that restrain it, and so the pattern we ought to (and do, in fact) see is a sequential, generation-over-generation rise in the metastatic aggressiveness of the liberal enterprise (corresponding to a stepped collapse in civilization sanity).

A civilization in thrall to the cult of the superman will eventually reach a point at which the ratio of the costs of persecuting the low man to the discernible benefits of doing so asymptotically rocket off toward infinity — a point, in other words, at which the delusion becomes too expensive (in many senses of the word) to maintain. Perhaps, at that point, the persecution of the low man will end and some degree of sanity and repentance will again become possible. If we’re lucky, when that day comes, the body count won’t be too high.

27 thoughts on “Where we are, and where we’re going

  1. I think that is an excellent summation of what progressive liberalism is, it’s just a new variant form fascism, the triumph of the will over reality. It’s been tried not to long ago and it didn’t end too well. Must we re-enact the whole bloody mess again?

  2. If we’re lucky, when that day comes, the body count won’t be too high.

    Hopefully. Repeats of something like the 100 million that communism killed or other modern enlightened liberal revolutions, isn’t something that one should look forward to.

    • Communism was an early, premature stab at globalization by the Left wing of organized Jewry; today’s bankster-globalists intend a much higher body count.

      • Let us take a look at the Banksters: Angelo Mozillo, the biggest villain of them all: Hispanic beneficiary of affirmative action.

        Jon Corzine. Not Jewish, white redneck background.

        The leadership of Fannie and Freddy. No Jews at the top.

      • Like an old lady said to the TV in a conservative protest in Poland: There is a f**** lot of traitors in our country.

        Great summing up! Gotta love my people! I would expand this to: There is a f*** lot of traitors in our civilization!

        Thought I’m not sure if the sentence makes sense anymore since I no longer consider the traitor liberals as part of my people. This positioning saves a lot of deception and heart breaking when looking at the disgusting things that they do and say. Only Christian people that are not anti-white-racists (unfortunatelly there is quite a number of christian anti-white racists) I consider part of “my people” at this point.

        I personally think that the jewish obsession is an easy way to ignore the hard to deal with fact that most of our worse enemies are inside traitors, not external agents.

      • Felipe:
        I personally think that the jewish obsession is an easy way to ignore the hard to deal with fact that most of our worse enemies are inside traitors, not external agents.

        Agreed. Every last Jew could disappear from the face of the earth, and it wouldn’t change a bloody thing. Well, it might be harder to find a good surgeon.

      • I certainly don’t want the Jews to disappear from the face of the Earth, except via mass conversion to Christianity, but their existence certainly does tip the balance of power toward liberalism to a nontrivial degree. The support of a large group of very intelligent, articulate, politically aggressive, wealthy people with enormous media and academic power is no small asset to the Left. Leftism wouldn’t disappear without them, but the number of high-IQ soldiers in your intellectual army matters. What’s more, the fact that Christians are manifestly unable to successfully compete with them would continue to have significant effects even if every Jew were to lose interest in politics and social revolution. It means that Christians will not be represented in meritocratic entertainment and cultural industries, so our culture achieves no expression on the highest levels. People won’t be able to help noticing our absence, and our reputation as stupid and uncreative will endure.

        I don’t see any way to fix this–“the Gap” isn’t going to be closed. The best we can hope for is that changes in the Jewish community will move them more toward the political center.

      • I don’t see any way to fix this–”the Gap” isn’t going to be closed.

        We’re not even supposed to notice that gap. Certainly no one will try to close it.

      • It means that Christians will not be represented in meritocratic entertainment and cultural industries, so our culture achieves no expression on the highest levels.

        I was listening to a pretty interesting piece on the CBC recently about the release of Iron Man 3 and the rise of the Chinese entertainment market. It seems that Hollywood is pretty interested in dominating the nascent Chinese market, and consequently American films are toning down any hint of political or cultural values in favour of more generic storylines.

        The end result is films that are blander, but also less culturally subversive – because culturally subversive films are not allowed in China. I can’t help but see this as a good thing: Hollywood leftism meets its demise at the hand of Chinese censors? Here’s hoping for a sea change in world entertainment sooner than we think.

        The cynic in me, by the way, felt the interviewee gave the game away when he said that Hollywood was interested in entering “both the Chinese and Russian markets”. Gee, do you think that’s because those are two nations that are presently resisting the American liberal agenda?

  3. Hi Proph,

    Do you have the posts from you old site archived anywhere? I was looking for a couple old posts of yours and the site seems to be dead.

  4. The superman-cultist’s children, of course, will inherit his worldview without the set of ingrained, unarticulated, unacknowledged virtues that restrain it, and so the pattern we ought to (and do, in fact) see is a sequential, generation-over-generation rise in the metastatic aggressiveness of the liberal enterprise (corresponding to a stepped collapse in civilization sanity).

    It makes for a nice story, but I’m not sure we’re seeing it. How do we measure “metastatic aggressiveness of the liberal enterprise”? A generation of youth raised on a steady diet of pathological non-discrimination is hardly in a position to be aggressive at all. They are well-socialized to be sheep, not wolves. Gay marriage, sure… But is widespread acceptance thereof it based on aggressiveness? Or its opposite?

    I submit the current generation of perfect little ideological clones couldn’t “aggressive” its way out of a brown paper bag. Heck, if they could fight, even if for the wrong thing, then that would at least reflect some degree of virtue…

    • I submit the current generation of perfect little ideological clones couldn’t “aggressive” its way out of a brown paper bag.

      True, but as has been pointed out by others, the guy with his hands around your throat won’t be the blue-state beta-progressivist, but the meat-eating, red-state police officer acting under the beta’s orders. The perfect little ideological drones will just stand by and watch and pretend it’s not happening, or even as one such told me point blank that we (the untermensch) had it coming.

      • We shall see. The Cathedral owns the reigns of culture (education, religion, and media), and therefore needs not bare its fangs very often–I doubt they have the stomach for much of it. The thuggery that it does promote, more tolerate really, by binding the hands of “legitimate force”, is of a far more disorganized sort. I cannot but see our cultural masters as (my own mental cartoon of) United Methodist Sunday School* teachers: stern to lecture, but lax on enforcement. For every Waco, there are a million dirty looks. It will be their downfall… eventually.

        *Present UMC Sunday School teachers excepted, of course.

      • The US Navy: global force for Good.

        That, and reports of Navy race preferences gone haywire are prompting to disuade my (2nd) son from entering that branch of the military. Sad to say it. Sad to see it. But I’d hate to see any son get caught in the cross-fire of (Cathedral notions of) “Good”.

      • The guy with his hands around your throat won’t be the blue-state beta-progressivist, but the meat-eating, red-state police officer

        I’ve been in the military for a decade, and this describes the exact fear I have for it, and why I’m getting out. The older generations of officers don’t see what’s happening. Military culture (and I’d hazard, police culture too) engenders a certain amount of willful blindness amongst its personnel. Even when an average person in uniform disagrees with something, they’ll find a way to be okay with it, and thus, are used by the people over them. Most people in the military are highly religious, for example, but nobody in my office thought that the recent news about the anti-Christian agenda being pushed at the Pentagon was a problem. I was on shift the night President Obama was re-elected. Everyone was in shock, one of our majors in tears. But the next day, everyone pretended like nothing was wrong. It’s shocking.

        Five years ago, I believed that there was no way to ever order the US military to betray the values of its members. Today, I believe that when those orders come down, nobody will question them.

  5. Progressives will be mystified when accused being a superman cult, and not entirely without reason.

    They believe that what you are calling the undermen are the patriarchy, the bourgeoisie, etc, and that they are revolting against them. Much as when communists massacred the peasants, they believed they were liberating the peasants from kulaks.

  6. Gene Rodenberry’s sci-fi series ‘Andromeda’ basically deals with the dangers associated with Nietzsche’s ‘Übermensch’, the overall existence of Neitzscheans in the series illustrates exactly what you point out here.

  7. If I had discovered that morality was a sham, I think I would try to keep the secret to myself. If I discovered that all the policemen in the world had quit their jobs forever, and likewise all the judges and jailers, I would prefer that my neighbors lived in ignorance of this fact, while I exploited my advantage. The supermen need to keep the lowmen out of power, whether by reducing their numbers or excluding them from the franchise, but they otherwise benefit from orderly, superstition-ridden helots. Nihilists are parasitic on a host population that is beguiled by dreams of a supernatural order, rather like criminals are parasitic on a host population of law-abiding citizens. Value positing for me, they say, but not for thee. The supermen will feel contempt for the lowmen and their “slave morality,” but it is a very foolish master who slaughters his slaves.

    • Great comment. The old US elite may have been amoral, but at least they were competent. The new, evil elite is so blinded by animus that it can’t even manage to follow its own interests.

    • I think that a good number of people on the Alt. Right identify with Nietsche and his master/slave morality. A goodly number also despise Christian discipline and openly seek to unleash the pagan rage they feel is part of a particular racial group’s suppressed genetic history. The conflict between them and the Orthosphere types is a battle that needs to be fought just as the Alt Right needs to be further defined.

      • Nietzschean and pagan affiliations are common on the Alt. Right, and there’s also some anti-Christian bias, but this does not mean we cannot work together to achieve secular goals. We should begin by pointing out that we also hate the Christianity Nietzsche hated, because it was Christianity reduced to ethics and on its way to secular liberalism. It is true that modern liberalism grew out of Christian unitarianism, as many on the Alt. Right observe, but we need simply remind them that orthodox Christians always denounced unitarianism and liberalism as a heresy. As far as secular social policy in concerned, orthodox Christians maintained that it should be crafted on the assumption that men were fallen and depraved, not on the assumption that men were oppressed and in need of emancipation.

        I don’t know what to make of the claims to paganism. Presumably we’re not talking about authentic pagans who believe there really is a river god. Maybe they are talking about mere civil religion, in which no one but the mob actually believes, but my guess is that they are really all Jungians who are worshiping their impulses.

      • > Presumably we’re not talking about authentic pagans who believe there really is a river god. Maybe they are talking about mere civil religion,

        Neopagans are generally new agers and progressives, and to the extent that they take their religion seriously, tend to be demon worshipers. Reactionary neopagans are somewhat different. They want an authentically ethnic religion, as a noble lie, but do not seriously believe it.

        If Jungians, barking up the wrong tree, since Jungians are as much universalists as Christians, if not more so.

        The genuinely ethnic paganism is dead. If you want an ethnic religion, and I do, the best bet is give to western Christianity an authentically western flavor. Start by declaring the Pope’s crucifix heretical.

  8. Right on, Bill! I see I’m not the only one who understands the implications of that slogan (I was beginning to think I was). Not good! If the U.S. Navy is a “Global Force for Good,” then it can hardly be utilized for evil purposes, globally or otherwise, right? Right. Most of my “conservative” friends and relatives simply can’t understand why the adoption of that slogan causes me such alarm. I’m afraid they’re liable to get their eyes opened soon enough, though.

  9. Pingback: Facile Friday | Gratia Veritas Lumen

  10. Pingback: Another rare moment of honesty | The Orthosphere


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